Nothing changes if nothing changes: Ardonagh working to inspire young women with Reach Next Generation

Ardonagh has been reaching out into its local communities to help inspire the next generation of female leaders and to encourage them to consider a career in the insurance profession.
In a move which aims to attract more women to the profession from a more diverse range of backgrounds, Ardonagh sponsored a leadership summit hosted by Reach Next Generation.
Reach Next Generation is an organisation run by young women for young women. It aims to support girls aged 11-15 to develop the skills to navigate their teenage years and the mindset, ambition and knowledge to help them make the very most of their future career opportunities.
The organisation asks the girls to take positive action with the mantra that 'nothing changes if nothing changes,' calling on the young women to challenge themselves and the world around them.
Last weekend, Ardonagh Advisory Development Director, Julie Rayson-Flynn stepped out to speak to around 70 young women and girls at the organisation’s latest summit in Nottingham.
The event drew together accomplished women with boardroom experience to share information from their own career journeys and give insights from their experiences.
In a discussion which focused on risk management and how to make the most of opportunities, Julie helped the girls to consider their attitudes to risk and explore how their interests, skills and future ambitions might be met by a career in insurance.
As part of her presentation, Julie highlighted opportunities with Ardonagh, asking the audience to make a difference to their local communities by entering this year’s Ardonagh Community Trust, Bright future Prize and to explore future opportunities with the Ardonagh Academy.
Reach Next Generation host and leader Grace (r) and co-host Sreeja (l)
Julie Rayson Flynn, Development Director, Ardonagh Advisory said:
“What an experience! It was incredible to meet these bright young women who raised some excellent and challenging questions.
“It was interesting to see that none of the girls present were considering a career in insurance, which I think highlights that there is still much work to be done by us as a profession to showcase the fantastic opportunities on offer.”
Julie takes questions from the audience
Fiona Claybrook, HR Director, The Ardonagh Group said:
“On hearing of Reach Next Generation’s inspiring work, which is being driven by some truly phenomenal young women we just knew we wanted to be involved.
“We know that as a business, we need to attract people to our profession from a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences as this will bring fresh insight to better represent the diversity of the communities we serve.”
The driving force behind Reach Next Generation is 13 year-old Grace Jeffries who, following conversations with her father during lockdown, wanted to help other young girls to find a positive and empowered place in the world.
As part of her work, Grace has hosted eight summits including at The Emirates Stadium, The Etihad Stadium, and in Birmingham, Middlesbrough and Sheffield, with over 850 girls attending with hundreds more watching via YouTube live. Grace has also recorded more than 100 podcasts with senior female leaders from all backgrounds and sectors.
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