Group news

ACT hits £1million+ in grants with the final round of 2024
The final round of ACT Community Grants for 2024 leads to a momentous milestone – reaching £1million+ awarded in grants since ACT’s inception. Discover all 13 causes nominated by Ardonagh colleagues receiving a total of £63,600, and which will enable projects ranging from respite breaks for young carers, support for a community grief group, and aid to Ukraine. Learn about all the causes supported.

Open now! £40,000 to invest in young changemakers
ACT’s Bright Future Prize officially launches today! Once again, ACT is searching the globe for aspiring young community leaders and change makers, with a prize fund of £40,000 waiting to invest in their bright ideas. Do you have young people in your network? Make sure they know about this opportunity and how to apply.

Marking Transgender Awareness Week
For the first time, we've joined together to mark Transgender Awareness Week and Trans Day of Remembrance, with Ardonagh colleagues sharing their personal experience to further trans visibility and allyship.

Ardonagh goes global this Give Back for Médecins Sans Frontières
Discover the grand totals from Give Back 2024, when we united across Ardonagh and the world in support of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Plus, watch our showcase video sharing highlights of all the Give Back action from around the Group.

Ardonagh celebrates its global superstars at Spotlight 2024
On 27 June, Ardonagh held its Spotlight Awards – its annual employee recognition awards – at the iconic Camden Roundhouse in London, bringing together close to 500 finalists and friends across our global group of companies to celebrate the achievements of our talented colleagues and very own Ardonagh superstars.

Celebrating International Day of Families
For the first time at Ardonagh, we're marking International Day of Families to celebrate the many meanings and experiences of 'family' across the Group as part of our ED&I activity throughout the year. We reflect on the many definitions of this simple word and hear from colleagues' own personal insights.