Group News

Ardonagh signs the UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance

30 November, 2022 |Ardonagh Group | Business

The Ardonagh Group has become the first independent insurance distribution platform of scale to sign the UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance.

In a milestone for the Group’s sustainability journey, Ardonagh has been accepted as a signatory member of the UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance.

Launched at the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development, the Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI) are a global framework for the insurance industry to address environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities.

The insurance industry plays a vital role in fostering sustainable economic and social development. Honouring the principles, will further strengthen Ardonagh’s contribution to building a resilient, inclusive and sustainable society.

Sustainable insurance is a strategic approach where all activities in the insurance value chain, including interactions with stakeholders, are done in a responsible and forward-looking way. It aims to reduce risk, develop innovative solutions, improve business performance, and contribute to environmental, social and economic sustainability.

This commitment by Ardonagh means it will adhere to the following four principles:

  1. We will embed the environmental, social and governance issues relevant to our insurance business, in our decision-making
  2. We will work together with our clients and business partners to raise awareness of environmental, social and governance issues, to manage risk and develop solutions
  3. We will work together with governments, regulators and other key stakeholders to promote widespread action across society on environmental, social and governance issues
  4. We will demonstrate accountability and transparency by regularly and publicly disclosing our progress in implementing the Principles.

Ardonagh’s signing of the UN PSI is the latest step in its on-going sustainability journey which continues to evolve to reflect the changing needs of its people, communities and businesses.

For more information about the UN PSI principles visit Principles for Sustainable Insurance


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